Dipl.-Ing. Architekt Lars Winkler


Atelier Winkler

Lars Winkler | Architect

A completed apprenticeship in the building industry, architecture studies at two technical universities and over 30 years of experience, form the foundation of my work as an independent architect.

Architectural design, shop fitting projects for luxury fashion brands, furniture design and passive house projects accumulated to over 450 national as well as international projects. Sustainable and environmentally friendly architectural design and construction methods are a focus of my work.

From Concept to Detail

Atelier Winkler is at your side as planner, consultant, and mentoring partner, from the first sketch to completion. We have access to a wide range of specialists and planning partners, supporting your project from day one.

As an experienced architecture firm, we assist with any inquiry you might have, whether your project is a new construction, concept, refit, or refurbishment in Würzburg, Germany or abroad.

Each project is as unique as its owner. We support all phases of your project and represent your interests with authorities, consultants and executing parties.


Curriculum Vitae

Lars Winkler . Dipl.-Ing. Architekt

Atelier Winkler - Würzburg, Germany
Sep 2017 – Present

Architecture office Atelier Winkler (Atelier = Studio) specialized in retail real estate, store design and brand development for (luxury fashion) brands as well as projects for private clients (new developments or refurbishments) of all kinds with a focus on sustainability. Member of the Bayerische Architektenkammer (Bavarian Chamber of Architects). Authorised to sign off on all building plans (Große Bauvorlageberechtigung)

Senior Retail Development Manager Germany & Belgium - Jul 2006 – Sep 2017 - eleven years, two month

Responsible architect for three outlet shopping centres in Belgium and Germany. Shop fitting projects, extensions, refurbishments, hospitality projects and implementation of structural additions and alterations as well as infrastructure projects.

Completion of 450+ shop fitting projects in over eleven years for different luxury fashion brands completed in budget and time. Technical and planning support to all other departments (visual merchandising, operations, retail management, legal, leasing, event management etc.)

Communicator, solution finder and reliable planner and first contact to building authorities (including all permit and document management), fire departments, health and safety administrators, food safety inspectors, inspectors of electrical installations and fire safety inspectors etc.

Department conference lectures, sustainability studies and brand development education across the company

Lecturer Business School of Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt, Germany - Mar 2013 – Feb 2017 - Three years, eleven month (eight semesters)

Teaching students of international retail management, innovation management and strategic marketing with a focus on brand development, branded environments and the development of store design concepts. Visual perception training for three dimenstional branded environments and enhancements in planning and operation of retail spaces.

Retail Lab - spatial planning and sourcing of donations, such as lighitng, HVAC & air curtain for a university operated retail lab implemented on campus. This lab was extended into the adjacent class room throughout 2016 for computer aided retail software workstations to become part of this multifunctional classroom.

First architect in Germany to teach these topics at a business school in the field of international retail management.

Director - Nov 2005 – Jun 2006 - Seven month

Leader: Directed the U.S. branch of a German shop fitting company for individual shop fitting concepts and SIS Systems.

Manager: Responsible for HR, expanded from 14 to 18 employees in three month. Prepared and translated new contracts for all employees who had worked without one before.

Relationship Builder: Initiated relations with two critically important manufacturing partners in an three-month period.

Problem Solver: Solved issues with the warehousing and distribution process. Supervised the development of a universal part numbering key for the new software based inventory control system.

Translator: Translated simultaneously between English and German for the owner during meetings. Efficiently and accurately translated contracts and legal documents.

Innovative Designer /Engineer/Planner - Aug 2005 – Nov 2005 - Three month

Intimately involved in the design and prototyping process for two flagship stores in Berlin (Germany) and Irvine, CA (USA).
Significantly enhanced planning processes by establishing plan standards and their implementation into the workflow of the project managers.
Created layout templates in AutoCAD, defined documentation and archiving standards, introduced the addition of scanned imagery on the large format plans.

Developed global CI-guidelines for the company and all its branches.

Implemented critical design and engineering modifications for improved fixture and fittings performance during countless meetings with the client and engineering consultants.

Accomplished in record time (16 weeks from planning process including prototyping to finished installation), both projects have been deemed to be a huge success by the client.

Project Manager - Jun 2004 – Jun 2005 - One year

Planned, designed and supervised the execution of trade show booths for international clients focusing on european trade shows.
Supervised the installation of the trade show booth for large electronic corporations on CeBIT ’05 in Hanover, Germany, the world’s largest computer fair at the time.
Supervised the installation of the booth for a large broadcasting company for MipTV ’05 in Cannes, France.
Bridged intercultural communication challenges for the client.

Freelance Project Architect - Jul 2003 – May 2004 - Ten month

Osnabrück, Germany

Brandenburgische Technische Universität, Cottbus, Germany - 2000 – 2003 - Three years (six semesters)

Degree: Diplom-Ingenieur (Dipl.-Ing.)
Field of study: Architecture

Activities and societies: Member of the students representative committee (Fachschaftsrat), the integration program for foreign students and the evaluation commission of the faculty. Student Assistant to the Chair for Theory of Architecture

New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ (USA) - 1999 – 2000 - One year (two semesters)

2nd year of Masters program - School of Architecture

Fulbright Scholarship

Brandenburgische Technische Universität, Cottbus, Germany - 1996 – 1999 - Three years (six semesters)

Degree: Pre-diploma (cand. ing.)
Field of study: Architecture

Activities and societies: Student representative (Fachschaftsrat Architektur), Evaluation Commission of the Faculty, Student Council for the integration of foreign students, Student representative of the Senate of the University

Brick Layer Apprenticeship - Sep 1994 – Jan 1996 - One year, four month

Osnabrück, Germany

Degree: Certified bricklayer apprentice

Social work in the field of individual care of a heavily disabled person as an equivalent to the military service still mandatory at the time.

1992 - 1994  

Different internships in an architect´s office, construction company and carpenter and shriner shops.


Ursulaschule Osnabrueck

Abitur (general qualificatoin for university entrance)


Article in CSR im Ladenbau, in Markenwelten und Handelsimmobilien, Springer-Verlag 2015

Article in BIM für Handelsimmobilien in Fachmarktzentren in Deutschland - Digitalisierung der Firma MEC METRO-ECE Centermanagement GmbH & Co. KG. 2017


Benefit from the changes of the retail industry and upgrade your store. Create new and exciting branded environments for the best possible customer experience:

  • New developments/modifications and redevelopments 
  • Shopping-centers, flagship-boutiques and pop-up stores
  • Streamlining of existing concepts
  • Tenant and landlord support in concept development, permit related issues, and construction processes

Please contact us in Würzburg any time:

+49 931.66 05 04 88 | info[at]atelier-winkler.de




Private Clients

Residential Buildings

Atelier Winkler is your reliable partner if you plan to fulfill your dream of your own house and want to realize your individual concepts and ideas.

If you need help with existing real estate, which might not fit your personal needs any longer or might need a bit more than just a few "touch-ups" will also be taken care of by us:

  • new developments/refurbishments and extensions
  • Passive House planning
  • construction in existing buildings
  • technical installations
  • custom Interior Designs
  • radon decontamination
  • testing for hazardous building materials and expert coordination
  • facade and roof greening
  • insect friendly garden and exterior planning
  • planning of customised building solutions






Energy efficient buildings, i.e. passive houses, are designed in such a way, that no fossil fuels are required for a comfortable room temperature all year round.

The operating costs can be reduced to an absolute minimum and remain at a significantly lower level than any other energy standard can provide.

It is also possible to upgrade the performance of existing buildings significantly by using high performance elements, especially when combined with greening of the facade and roof area.



3D Planning Methods

Virtual walk-through.

Clients are enabled to understand the project immediately without any need to read plans at all. Long before execution, it is easy to check if the virtual model matches the expectations for the project.

This can be done by using the CAD-Software directly, at home using any web browser or by using 3D-PDF-files.

Experience the advantages of this innovative technology now in our architecture office in Würzburg.

Please call  +49 (0) 931. 66 05 04 88 or send an e-mail to info[at]atelier-winkler.de.

Projects Atelier Winkler

The most important references are satisfied clients, not only experience and performance. Further references are available any time at Atelier Winkler in Würzburg, Germany. Please click on the images to open additional ones.



  • All
  • New Development
  • Reconstruction
  • Concept

New Development
Commercial and Residential Building

House W

Equestrian Facility


Shawarma Restaurant

Polo Ralph Lauren

New Development
Furniture Design Reception Desk

Culture and Venue Building

New Development
Bakery Düll

Data Privacy Statement


Please note that this text has been translated by its owner, so that one might get a first insight into this law and its application. If in doublt, only the German version of this text acts as the defining and legally binding statement. Please refer to the German part of the website for all legally binding information concerning this issue as needed.

Data Privacy Statement

We conduct our website according to the following principles:

We are commited to observe the legal regulations for data protection and are making all efforts to always consider the principles of data avoidance and data reduction to its minimum.

1. Name and Address of the Responsible

The responsible as defined by the General Data Protection Regulation (referred to as DSGVO in this website) and further National Data Protection laws of the Member States of the EU as well as other terms outlining data protection is:

Dipl.-Ing. Architekt Lars Winkler

Freischaffender Architekt
Atelier Winkler
Domstr. 10
97070 Würzburg
Tel.: +49 (0) 931. 66 05 04 88
E-Mail: info[at]atelier-winkler.de
Website: www.atelier-winkler.de

2. Definitions

We have designed our Data Privacy Statement according to the principles of clarity and transparency. In case of lack of clarity regarding the use of different terms and concepts, the corresponding definitions can be found and viewed here: https://dsgvo-gesetz.de/art-4-dsgvo/ 


3. Legal Basis for Processing of Personal Data

We process your personal data, i.e. your surname, first name, your e-mail address, IP address etc. only if there is a legal basis for doing so. In this instance, three particular regulations are to be considered according to the General Data Protection Regulation: 

a) you have given us your explicit consent to process your personal data for one or several purpose/s, Art. 6 Abs. 1 S. 1 lit. a DSGVO. You are being informed explicitly about the purpose or purposes of the processing of your data in detail by us and your consent is being documented by us.

b) The processing of your personal data is needed to fulfill a contract or to execute measures leading up to a contract with you, Art. 6 Abs. 1 S. 1 lit. b DSGVO.

c) The processing of personal data is needed to secure our legitimate interest, insofar as your interests or fundamental rights and liberties outweigh our interests, Art. 6 Abs. 1 S. 1 lit. f DSGVO. We always indicate explicitly which legal regulation forms the basis of the processing of your personal data.

4. Transmission of Personal Data 

Transmission of data to third parties is not being done for any other reason as follows. We only transmit your personal data if: 
a) you explicitly approved of as outlined in Art. 6 Abs. 1 S. 1 lit. a DSGVO,
b) the transmission as outlined in Art. 6 Abs. 1 S. 1 lit. f DSGVO is needed to practice, exercise or defend legal rights and there is no reason to presume that you own a higher interest worth protecting, avoiding transmission of your data. 
c) there is a legal obligation to transmit the data as outlined in Art. 6 Abs. 1 S. 1 lit. c DSGVO 
d) is legally sound and necessary to execute contractual obligations as outlined in Art. 6 Abs. 1 S. 1 lit. b DSGVO 


5. Duration of Storage and Deletion 

We save all personal data transmitted to us for as long as it is needed to fulfill the purpose they were sent for, only. Alternatively we save it for as long as it is required by law. Once the purpose has been fulfilled and/or the mandatory period has expired, the data will be deleted or blocked. 

6. SSL-Encryption

This website uses SSL-Encryption to secure confidential information that you have sent to us, i.e. requests you have sent to the web site provider, only. You can identify encrypted connections by the address changing from "http://" to "https://" in the browser address line and by the lock symbol next to it. 

If the SSL-Encryption is enabled, data transmitted to us cannot be read by third parties.

7. Collection and Storage of personal Data and the Type and Purpose of Application 

a) Visiting the website
When visiting our website, no data is being collected. 
b) Contact by e-mail
You are welcome to send e-mails to the address provided on our website. We store and process your e-mail as well as all information provided therein according to Art. 6 Abs. S. 1 lit. b and f DSGVO only. The e-mails and corresponding data will be deleted three months upon receipt latest, insofar they are not needed for another contractual relationship.

8. Rights of the Person affected

you are entitled to the following rights:

a) Disclosure
According to Art. 15 DSGVO, you have the right to demand disclosure of your personal data processed by us. This right of disclosure contains the following:

• Purpose of processing
• Categories of personal data
• Recipients or categories of recipients which were given access to your data
• Planned duration of storage or criteria for definition of storage duration
• The existence of the right to correct, delete, limit processing and processing
• The existence of the right to appeal to the regulating authority
• The source of your personal data, if not collected by us
• The existence of an automated decision making process including a profiling and, if applicable, significant information about their details

b) Correction
According to Art. 16 DSGVO you have the right for incorrect or uncomplete stored personal data we have, to be corrected.

c) Deletion
According to Art. 17 DSGVO you have rhe right to demand immediate deletion of your personal data from us, insofar their further processing is not needed due to one of the following reasons:

• To execute the right of free speech and information 
• To fulfill a legal obligation, that requires the processing according to the right of the European Union or the Member State, the responsible underlies. Also legal obligations falling under a public interest or execution of public law, that the responsible has been transcribed to.
• For reasons of public interests in the area of public health according to Art. 9, Abs. 2 lit. h and i as well as
• The for the public interest lying interests for archiving purposes, scientific of historic research purposes or statistical purposes according to Art. 89 Abs.1 DSGVO insofar as it concerns the right named in a) supposedly prevents or significantly reduces its implementation. 
• Enforcement, execution or defense of

d) Limitations of Processing
 You may demand the limitation of processing of your personal data due to one of the following reasons according to Art. 18 DSGVO:
• You challenge the accuracy of your personal data
• The processing is unlawful, and you oppose the right to delete the personal data.
• We no longer require the data for purposes of processing. You, however need it to enforce, execute or defend legal claims.
• You oppose processing of your data according to Art. 21 Abs. 1 DSGVO.

e) Notification
If you have demanded a correction or deletion of your personal data or have requested a limitation of processing according to Art. 16, Art. 17 Abs. 1 und Art. 18 DSGVO to be considered, we notify all recipients that have been given access to your personal data, unless this proves to be impossible or is only achievable by a disproportionate effort on our side. You are entitled to demand notification of us about who these recipients were.

f) Transmission
You are entitled to receive the personal data you have provided to us in a structured, common and machine-readable format.
You are also entitled, to demand for this data to be transmitted to a third party, insofar as its processing has been executed with the use of automated procedures and was based on an explicit consent given according to Art. 6 Abs. 1 S. 1 lit. a or Art. 9 Abs. 2 lit. a or on a contract according to Art. 6 Abs. 1 S. 1 lit. b DSGVO

g) Cancellation
You remain the right, according to Art. 7 Abs. 3 DSGVO, to revoke your consent given at any given moment. By revoking the consent given before, the lawfulness of processing up to this cancellation, is not affected. Any data processing that was based on your revoked consent before may no longer be processed by us in the future.

h) Appeal
 As stipulated in Art. 77 DSGVO, you are entitled to appeal to a regulatory authority, should you believe that the processing of your personal data is not compliant with the DSGVO.

i) Objection
If your personal data is being processed due to legitimate interests according to Art. 6 Abs. 1 S. 1 lit. f DSGVO, you remain the right, according to Art. 21 DSGVO, to object to the processing of your personal data, insofar there are reasons given, which are derived from your situation or if the objection is aimed against direct advertising. In this last instance you have a general right to object, that will be complied with by us without the need to specify the situation as such. Should you wish to use this general right to appeal or object, an e-mail to info[at]atelier-winkler.de is sufficient.

j) Automated Decision-Making Processes in Explicit Cases including Profiling
You have the right not to be subordinated to a decision made by automated processing, including profiling, exclusively, which would be legally relevant or limit you in a similar way significantly. This is not the case, if the decision 
i. is needed for signature or fulfillment of a contract between you and us.
ii. due to legal obligations making it lawful in the European Union or the Member State we are underlying, and this legal obligation contains appropriate procedures to retain your rights of freedom and your legitimate interests therein.
iii. this is being done with your explicit consent given.
Admittedly, these decisions are not to be based on specific categories of personal data according to Art. 9 Abs. 1 DSGVO, insofar as Art. 9 Abs. 2 lit. a or g DSGVO is not applicable and adequate measures have been taken to protect the rights and freedoms as well as your eligible interests.
Concerning cases i) and ii) we take appropriate measures to protect your rights and freedoms as well as your eligible interests, whereto the right to enforce the intervention of a person on our side, to declare one´s own point of view and on appealing the decision belongs to, as a minimum.

9.  Changes of Data Protection Statement

Should we alter the Data Protection Statement, we will indicate this on the website.

Würzburg, as of June 19th, 2020


Legal Notice
As required by German law (Telemediengesetz)

Dipl.-Ing. Architekt Lars Winkler
Freischaffender Architekt
AW® Atelier Winkler®
Domstraße 10
97070 Würzburg

Contact Details:
T. +49-(0)931-66 05 04 88

Occupational Title


Awarded by the enrolment commission of the Bayerische Architektenkammer (Chamber of Bavarian Architects), Munich (State Bavaria, Germany) according to article 1 of Baukammerngesetz (BauKaGe). The Bayerische Architektenkammer is the designated regulating authority for all architects based in Bavaria.

Chamber Membership:

Member of Bayerische Architektenkammer since 2012.

The applicable law (Bayerisches Baukammerngesetz) and the code of conduct (Berufsordnung) can be found at
www.byak.de - (PDF-download at Kammer Intern, then link Baukammergesetz or Berufsordnung der Bayerischen Architektenkammer). In case of changes to the publication, please refer to www.byak.de or contact the chamber directly at:

Bayerische Architektenkammer
Körperschaft des Öffentlichen Rechts
Waisenhausstr. 4
80637 München
Phone +49 (0) 89.13 98 800
Fax +49 (0)89.13 98 80 55

Liability insurance for Germany:
HDI Versicherung AG
30650 Hannover

3 million Euros for damages to property and personal injury

Should a project require a higher insurance cover, this can be arranged with an addendum to the above insurance on a project by project cover.

Liability insurance for projects outside of Germany and outside of the E.U.:

For all projects outside of Germany, within the E.U. and worldwide projects, a separate liability insurance will be provided on a project by project basis by an insurance company based in Germany

VAT identification number according to § 27a Abs. 1 of the applicable law Umsatzsteuergesetz (UstG):

DE 313 481 525


The rights for all images used are with the owner of the website and were either taken by himself or by the photographer Rolf Nachbar (Rolf Nachbar Fotografie und Design, Badstrasse 1, 97234 Reichenberg  www.nachbar.de) or Theresita Seib-Stretz (Theresita Seib Foto Kunst Galerie, Neubaustraße 22, 97070 Würzburg www.teresitaseib-fotogalerie.de) and the rights were passed on when purchasing the imgages. In the case of the book covers, the rights were awarded by the publisher (MEC Metro ECE Centermanagement, Düsseldorf, Germany and Springer Verlag). The Polo Ralph Lauren® logo is property of Ralph Lauren® and it´s usage was awarded to the owner of the website by the brand.

Maiwald - Büro für Gestaltung, Frau Alexandra Maiwald Dipl. Kommunikations-Designer FH Mediengestalter IHK, Ochsenfurter Straße 37, 97286 Sommerhausen, Germany, www.buero-maiwald.de

Programming and Implementation:
netz-haut GmbH, Friedrich-Bergius-Ring 12, 97076 Würzburg, Germany, www.netzhaut.de

Würzburg, as of November 30th, 2020

Our Mission

The Collective

At Atelier Winkler in Würzburg, we value clients, project partners and co-workers of all national or cultural backgrounds, denominations, gender or sexual orientation, disability or age, income, or political opinion based on the free democratic basic order. We build outcome-oriented for humans in all circumstances, at eye level with all participating parties.

Quality Management

Atelier Winkler is a place for predominantly highly customized architecture solutions and branded environments. We take the time to familiarize ourselves with all aspects of our projects and the client-specific design requirements.

Our expertise is constantly updated in trainings at the Academy of Bayerische Architektenkammer or other certified providers, and shared with our clients without reservation. External specialists and experts are coordinated and included as needed.

At Atelier Winkler, we base our planning decisions on research provided by science, current legal regulations and ethical guidelines and their application.

Environmental Protection

We plan as sustainable, affordable, and eco-friendly as possible. We aim to use materials beneficial for human health, safe for the environment and animals during the sourcing, production process, installation, operation, and disposal.

In our office in Würzburg, Atelier Winkler is using wood-free paper for the most part. All electrical appliances have an eco-mode or are switched off completely. The radiators have been equipped with electronic valves. The LED-lighting has motion sensors and can be dimmed as needed. The current ompany car is an efficient hybrid car.

Social Responsibility

Atelier Winkler supports organizations and associations protecting the environment, assisting people with mental or physical disadvantages or promoting efforts with exceptional value for society.

The following organisations have been supported with donations so far:

Ärzte ohne Grenzen e.V.

Amadeu Antonio Stiftung

DenkOrt Deportationen e. V. Würzburg

Der Soziale Tag (Schüler helfen Leben) Wirsberg-Gymnasium Würzburg

DGM – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Muskelkranke e.V.

K.O.K. e. V. – Bundesweiter Koordinierungskreis gegen Menschenhandel e. V.

Shark Project e.V.

Stolpersteine Würzburg e. V. - Sponsorship for a "Stolperstein" in Domstraße in Würzburg


Würzburg, as of July 12th, 2022


  • All

Health and Safety

Existing Buildings

The Passive House

Hazardous Building Materials

Roof Greening

Climate Change - the GEG